Her Own Little World

I’ve been working on my story for the Bluestocking Belles’ next collection. Here’s a tidbit for WIP Wednesday, grabbed at random from my choppy draft. It appears right after the riot at a lecture on Habeas Corpus. #amwritinghonest *** Doro you idiot. You should have let him accompany you to find Chloe. You should have […]

Writing 101: Characters

I allowed character development to languish lately. It has been a bit chaotic in our little stone cottage in the urban wilds. Visitors coming. Visitors going. Visitors rescheduling. Visitors coming. News from afar, not all of it good. Children delighting Beloved for Father’s Day. Vegetables shouting “pick me now.” Garden beds either swamped by rain […]

Big Doings This Week

A writer’s work is never done–even when she struggles to get to the writing of books. In 48 hours at the end of last week I published two blogs, scheduled a third, put out my newsletter, and partied with the Bluestocking Belles on Facebook for two hours. All that and I didn’t even get to […]

Writing is Writing

Writing is writing isn’t it? I began a family history sixteen years ago and issued chapters to Beloved’s brothers and his many, many, many nieces and nephews as a binder, adding bits as I finished them. After putting it off for several years after out big move, I decided to get the last two chapters […]

Coffee and Sudden Turns

The work took a sudden turn two weeks ago. I didn’t start The Defiant Daughter until I had a firm handle on the main characters. At least I thought I did. My hold on the external conflict, or as I have come to call it “the villain plot” was less secure. I plunged in and […]

Cruising Speed?

We’ve been home for a few days and caught up with the Hanukkah folks in our life. I’ve been writing over 1000 words a day on Book one of the new series. If I can maintain it, I may have a draft by mid-February and plans for book two in place. There are speed bumps. […]