Moving Along

The sun is so bright today I would almost think it was spring if more ice and snow weren’t forecasted for later this week. I am more or less on schedule for this month! I finished my promo tour for Snowed by the Wallflower on Friday–weary and suspecting at least some readers were tired of […]

More Coffee, Please

Such a week I had—many visits to visit the readers of my fellow authors, much to post, posts to friends’ blogs, prizes to award, chatting to be done. All of this was in celebration of Snowed by the Wallflower which danced into the world last Tuesday. Yea and hurray! It feels good to have a […]

Running too Fast

Too much, too fast! I didn’t expect baby steps to lead to zooming quite so fast. The big issue is all the promotion needed for a new book. There is no point in writing them, if no one reads them, right? I’ve been on three web blogs and more Facebook groups that I care to […]

Darkness and Light

Here on the east coast of the US, the day begins to darken by 4 PM. Add to that general dreariness and grey clouds and it is fair dim this month. Luckily it is the season of light. There is a reason our ancestors of most traditions put their light festivals in late December! As […]

Life is good!

We have new books to celebrate. While I have been absent from this blog, Duke in Name Only went live and got some much deserved attention on Facebook. The early reviews are terrific. This is an exciting story filled with adventure, danger, discovery, and romance…that holds your attention start to finish with a happy ending […]

Rumors and Revenge

The hero of THE UNLIKELY DUKE, Jeffrey Graham, came to the aid of a young woman assaulted in a dark garden. They were able to spare that young woman’s reputation but the perpetrator, for pur spite at having his actions thwarted, spread rumors that another young woman, my heroine, had been caught in a compromising […]

A Monday Monday

Whoo, boy! Last week was busy, and I’m moving slow this morning. I got that story written (I called it “The Treasure of the Isles”) and my newsletter out. I also managed a couple of blog posts, coordinated Belles’ Brunch, and visited the Tea Room on Facebook mid week. Over the weekend, I stayed offline, […]

Across the Cotswolds with Lady Kitty Stocke

Goodness, but this ramble was a rush! When Lady Kitty’s brother-in-law’s game keeper fled their home with villains on his heels, the impulsive young woman pursued him into the hills. Longford Court, a stately old home in West Gloustershire, had every comfort a young lady of good family might want. What might provoke a young […]

Visiting Upper Upton

    After a hiatus in my travels, I was delighted this week to find myself in the quaint English village of Upper Upton. It has all the things one might expect: flower boxes, crooked lanes, gossips, mischievous children, a Easter week assembly to rival any ton ball, prominent local families, a vicarage, and marriage […]

Emerging from Hibernation

Bears do it. Bees do it. Even little brown bats do it. Why shouldn’t people? Alas it just feels like I’m emerging from hibernation. It was a difficult winter marred by Beloved’s hospitalization and some forced lifestyle changes. (We are doing ***much*** better. Thanks to all who have expressed concern.)   In the meantime, Duke […]