Marching Along

Eighteen months ago I was hitting a goal of 2000 words a day, a pace that enabled me to finish a book every four months, a pace needed for writing a series. During my annus horribilis — hospitals, emergency rooms, funerals—I stopped writing entirely. Since February, I’ve struggled through good days and bad days, trying […]

Darkness and Light

Here on the east coast of the US, the day begins to darken by 4 PM. Add to that general dreariness and grey clouds and it is fair dim this month. Luckily it is the season of light. There is a reason our ancestors of most traditions put their light festivals in late December! As […]


I had the good pleasure to spend last week with a good friend. We attended that most American event, a baseball game. Beer and hotdogs were had. She’s a terrific gardener, and mine is better off for her visit. We also had some tense moments when Beloved bumped his head and spent one day in […]


When I start a new book, I plunge in. I hope my starting point will hold, but sometimes it doesn’t. I had to delete and entire first chapter more than once. Early days I’m in a bit of a dance with my characters, just getting acquainted while introducing them to my readers. I am back […]

Sunshine, Joy, and Energy

Spring is finally popping here in the urban wilds of eastern Pennsylvania. After days of cold rain, yesterday bloomed bright, sunny, and warm. Leaves are just coming out on many trees, but the early flowering trees have blossomed. When we moved here I expected a concrete jungle, it being a very urban environment. Our township, […]

Emerging from Hibernation

Bears do it. Bees do it. Even little brown bats do it. Why shouldn’t people? Alas it just feels like I’m emerging from hibernation. It was a difficult winter marred by Beloved’s hospitalization and some forced lifestyle changes. (We are doing ***much*** better. Thanks to all who have expressed concern.)   In the meantime, Duke […]

Knee Deep in September

I hope you had a wonderful summer. I’m not sure where mine went! It certainly was a busy one. The garden and I battled lack of rain, and about broke even. The Upright Son, final book in The Ashmead Heirs came out June 28. Since then I completed another novel (Duke in All But Name […]

Firm Dates~and other news

April sped by in a whirlwind of writing, group promotion, and upheaval. I’m happy to report that The Upright Son has been handed to the editor and is on schedule to release on June 30. Alas I don’t have a presale date yet. It will be tight, possibly the first week in June. I’m anxious […]