Marching Along

Eighteen months ago I was hitting a goal of 2000 words a day, a pace that enabled me to finish a book every four months, a pace needed for writing a series. During my annus horribilis — hospitals, emergency rooms, funerals—I stopped writing entirely. Since February, I’ve struggled through good days and bad days, trying […]

Inching Back—But First, Coffee!

I’m still weary and numb from my annus horribilis, but like the rest of the natural world, there are sprouts and buds of life occurring. Yesterday I went with the family to my favorite nearby spot: Cape May! We had an absolutely joyful time pedaling along the Revolutionary Rail trail in a four person car. […]

Sunshine, Joy, and Energy

Spring is finally popping here in the urban wilds of eastern Pennsylvania. After days of cold rain, yesterday bloomed bright, sunny, and warm. Leaves are just coming out on many trees, but the early flowering trees have blossomed. When we moved here I expected a concrete jungle, it being a very urban environment. Our township, […]

The Work Has Many Parts

What do you think of when I say I’m “writing?” I suspect most people envision the creation of the first draft of a book, the putting of words on paper, er, or into a word processor, This week I’ve been putting down words, creating new prose, at a steady pace. So. Writing. In some ways […]