Historical Romance Authors Egg Hunt

It’s ON! Find them all to be entered to win a $150 Gift Card Start here.  https://www.facebook.com/events/682654079645870 Get the form, check the links, and start hunting Email your completed list to Heather McCollum heather@heathermccollum.com You have until Saturday. Or take a moment to find the egg hidden on one of my pages. A prize just […]

Support for Ukraine~and Then Coffee

Last week ended with me delivering the final Ashmead Heirs book, The Upright Son to Dragonblade Publishing. This week began with work on an exciting new series. I should have more information for you soon. Meanwhile I’ve been buried in promotional opportunities including an Easter egg hunt and not one but two big Booksweeps. By […]

Back in the Saddle

I’ve been gone for a while with my nose stuck to the grindstone. You’ll be pleased to know that it type “THE END” on The Upright Son a week ago and entrusted it to the mercies of beta readers. Once I get it back (hopefully by the end of the week) I will have three […]

January Woes

Let’s begin with the good news: The Forgotten Daughter is available for pre-order and on schedule for a January 27 release. Please do pre-order. It is only 99 cents now, but it will revert to full retail price on after launch. The candles came out of the windows the day after Epiphany. In the Regency […]

A Herd of Turtles

To manage my new pace of releasing a novel every four months (thank you Dragonblade Publishing!!) I have to create a draft in two months. That pace requires that I write at least 2000 words a day (10,000 a week) for eight weeks. More or less. Those months are bracketed by a month of beta […]

Holidays Are Upon US

November is evaporating fast, and I, for one, am happy to see it go. My heart wants to welcome the season of joy and light! Hanukkah—one of those seasons—began last night, and Christmas looms over the horizon. We celebrated a lovely Thanksgiving last week. Issues involving older family members had us traveling and running about […]

Ten Years and Still Learning

Last week was a little rough. Joyful, but rough I’ve been writing much of my life. I’ve been publishing for ten years. This year everything ratcheted up a notch. I recently read something from Virginia Heath. She said, “Being a professional writer, I always have a new story on the go and at least another […]

Release Week!

The Defiant Daughter remains 99 cents the first part of the week until it is released into the wild on Thursday. Early reviews have been really, really GOOD. I have scheduled four Facebook Group takeovers and two video interviews this week. I’ve had no time to plan a celebration, so I will probably just have […]

Moving Swiftly

In ten days The Defiant Daughter will go live. I had a note this morning from an advance reviewer who not only raved about the book, but told me I absolutely must write three more of them, for each of three gentlemen introduced in that book. I had already decided on two of them, now […]