January Woes

Let’s begin with the good news: The Forgotten Daughter is available for pre-order and on schedule for a January 27 release. Please do pre-order. It is only 99 cents now, but it will revert to full retail price on after launch.

KcnardM7i-186x300 But First Coffee The candles came out of the windows the day after Epiphany. In the Regency era it was considered bad luck to leave decorations up after Twelfth Night. Alas ours will be around for a while yet. We aren’t moving very fast having succumbed to some sort of winter respiratory ill. Asthma + the common cold = bronchitis. Or Omicron in its mild form perhaps. It doesn’t matter. We’ve gone back into shelter in place mode. SIGH.

I’m on the mend, though, and my hope is eternal. Today I have reverted to an actual schedule and resume writing. It is a good thing. The books don’t write themselves, and The Upright Son is about a month behind! But first, coffee.

4 thoughts on “January Woes

  1. We’re passing around the chicken soup in Twin Falls, too. I am thankful for the large package of Kleenex square boxes bought before Christmas. We are carrying them around from resting place to resting place.
    I’m glad you’re kicking it.

  2. Please don’t stress yourself dearest Caroline,
    Prayers, love and support are winging from me to you immediately. Everything happens for a reason —so no worries! All will be completed as is meant to be.
    💜 Annemarie

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Caroline Warfield, Author

Email : info@carolinewarfield.com