
When I start a new book, I plunge in. I hope my starting point will hold, but sometimes it doesn’t. I had to delete and entire first chapter more than once. Early days I’m in a bit of a dance with my characters, just getting acquainted while introducing them to my readers. I am back […]

A Monday Monday

Whoo, boy! Last week was busy, and I’m moving slow this morning. I got that story written (I called it “The Treasure of the Isles”) and my newsletter out. I also managed a couple of blog posts, coordinated Belles’ Brunch, and visited the Tea Room on Facebook mid week. Over the weekend, I stayed offline, […]

The Stolen Necklace…

I’ve written a short story to give to my newsletter subscribers this week. If you already subscribe, watch for a newsletter tomorrow or Friday. If you don’t subscribe there’s a link in the menu so you can do it. I give away free stories at least twice a week. Here’s a teaser. ***** Goodfellow carefully […]

Oh Glorious Day

Easter brings us so much joy. It overflows into every corner of my life. This looks to be a sunny—and super busy—week. I am working away on a short story that will be ***FREE*** to all my newsletter subscribers. The winner of my made-to-order contest asked me to feature a gorgeous hero, a lute playing […]

Can’t Hide Forever

For months Phillip, the Duke in Name Only, lives in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, with the Archers in relative obscurity as “Artie.” His past was bound to catch up with him eventually! It happens while he is away, buying lumber to rebuild Archers’ Roost. ***** “We should check the lumber yards in Saint Louis. We could […]

Music To My Ears

The word from my editor about Duke in Name Only? “What an absolutely delightful story! … so vivid and the characters so real and three-dimensional.” That is lovely to hear, but I’m a bit terrified by, “There are very minimal edits.” I rely on a strong pair of professional eyes to keep me out of […]

Sunshine, Joy, and Energy

Spring is finally popping here in the urban wilds of eastern Pennsylvania. After days of cold rain, yesterday bloomed bright, sunny, and warm. Leaves are just coming out on many trees, but the early flowering trees have blossomed. When we moved here I expected a concrete jungle, it being a very urban environment. Our township, […]

Emerging from Hibernation

Bears do it. Bees do it. Even little brown bats do it. Why shouldn’t people? Alas it just feels like I’m emerging from hibernation. It was a difficult winter marred by Beloved’s hospitalization and some forced lifestyle changes. (We are doing ***much*** better. Thanks to all who have expressed concern.)   In the meantime, Duke […]

Do Clothes Make the Duke?

I’m working so hard to catch up, I haven’t had much time for blog posts lately! This one is easy though. Our duke has been living on the edges of civilization along the Mississippi after being beaten, robbed and left for dead. The miscreants have been caught and he’s to testify. The prosecutor is determined […]

Return from War

Lord Ethan lived on the streets of London with other homeless veterans for a year, too ashamed and weary to go home, before Lady Flora Landrum found him in an alley behind a tavern. Healing, slow though it may be, can happen. ***** His heart stuttered at the sight of Lady Flora Landrum turning her […]