Murder and Regency Policing

Highlighting Historical Romance with Elf Ahearn on the subject the police in the Regency era. The Baron of Bad Behavior is the second book in a new series I’m writing. It’s a lighthearted romp featuring a daredevil heroine. That said, in keeping with my tagline, “Regency romance with a Gothic twist,” a minor character meets […]

Insane Asylums in the Regency Era

Highlighting Historical Romance with Bronwen Evans who addresses insane asylums—and Alzheimer’s Disease— in the Regency Era. I’ve just released INVITATION TO PLEASURE, book #3.5  a Christmas novella in my INVITATION TO series. The story revolves around my heroine’s epic battle to protect her mother who, unknown in the Regency era, has early onset Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s […]

Iran in Turmoil

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jude Knight on Central Asia, the Silk Road, and turmoil in Iran. When I began to write Paradise Regained, prequel to my Children of the Mountain King series, I didn’t have much of a clue about the location. The plot required that my hero and heroine live in Central Asia, somewhere […]

Carlisle Castle, Border Fortress

Highlighting Historical Romance with Sawyer North on castles in England. Fair Weather Enemies is an enemies-to-lovers road tripping treasure hunt that begins in earnest at Carlisle Castle in Northwest England. In the pantheon of English castles, the one at Carlisle barely registers with most sightseers. Its blocky appearance and small size are a byproduct of […]

Barbara Allen

Highlighting Historical Romance with Laura Mills-Alcott who loves Barbara Allen and makes sure we do too. When I decided to write my first romance, I needed a story to write. I decided to write a story inspired by the beloved old ballad “Barbara Allen”.  I’d first heard the ballad on Dolly Parton’s “Heartsongs” album, with […]

Wilfred Bagshott, Portraits

Looking for Wilfred Bagshott’s Portait Booth, Dearie? So is Lady Flora Landrum. The jumble of tents, lean-tos, and shacks at the far end of the ice, where new businesses sprouted up hourly in no particular order, confused Flo. She had left her companion, Lady Georgiana Hayden sipping hot cider and seated inside a marquee, one […]

Ladies Boxing

Highlighting Historical Romance with Edie Cay about Ladies boxing in Georgian England             Regency England is a well-researched topic. I was able to use plenty of respected secondary sources that compiled information, like maps and descriptions of London. However, when researching Regency boxing, sources became very focused, and when researching women’s participation boxing, resources were […]

Keeping in Step

If you don’t participate in the Belles’ Brigade (the Bluestocking Belles’ street team on Facebook) you missed an interesting discussion last Saturday. The topic for Saturday Brunch was group projects—how a group of highly creative friends goes about creating a collection of stories to publish. Let me summarize it. As you can see, keeping everyone […]

Shalloons— and Other Wool Textiles

Highlighting Historical Romance with Bronwyn Parry on historical wool textiles. Calamanco, camblet, lastings, shalloons… chances are, you may never have heard these terms. They’re the names of various worsted (wool) textiles that have virtually disappeared from our cultural memory, and yet they were once so common that everyone in Georgian and Regency Britain would have […]