A Safer Route to Freedom

Did you know… …that the Underground Railroad wasn’t the only route to freedom? Enslaved people in Louisiana and Texas were aware that Mexico abolished slavery in 1829. Because what is now Texas had a growing number of immigrants from slave-holding states who took offense, it was one of the factors behind the Texas revolt of […]

Women and the Page Act

Did you know the Page Act of 1875 was the United States of America’s first restrictive federal immigration law? While was ostensibly intended to forbid forced labor and trafficking for prostitution, it’s impact fell on Asian women in general, stereotyping them in a hyper-sexualized fashion, an issue that persists to this day. The labor elements […]

Private charity and the Great Slums

Highlighting the facts behind Historical Romance with Jude Knight and her Children of the Mountain King. In Regency Britain, one in ten families lived below the ‘breadline’, and at times as many as two in five. Many people were precariously balanced on a knife edge where illness, accidents or old age could tumble them into […]