Lawlessness and Bounty Hunting in Regency England

Highlighting Historical Romance: Jude Knight Jude’s next release features a hero who is a thief taker. He prefers the term enquiry agent. Thief takers, he says, are ‘so unpleasant’. Here are some thoughts about law enforcement in Regency England. Crime was a personal affair Before 1829, our modern idea of a police force, and of […]

Betwixt and Between

I find myself torn in at least three directions these days. Having sent final copy of The Renegade Wife off to my editor at Soul Mate, I have been staring at blank Word pages and editing task lists trying to formulate a marketing plan. Since the book has an expected release date of October, I […]

Show It Off!

Caroline Warfield will be the featured author tonight for Coffeetime Romance Show It Off Saturday.  Coffeetime is an important reviewing service and magazine for romance fans, and I’m pleased to be in the spotlight. Stop by, leave a comment, win a prize. Check out their other authors throughout the day.  

Highlighting Historical Romance: Judith Laik

In which Judith interviews her hero Bayard Pytchley JL: Most romance heroes are aristocratic. You’re not. Why should we care to read about you? BP: (laughs a little self-consciously) I don’t know why my author chose to write about me. I certainly don’t think of myself as a hero. However, I’m not so far from […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Cheryl Bolen

Cheryl Bolen, author of OH WHAT A WEDDING NIGHT shares her research The Regency’s Most Famous Courtesan Harriette Wilson is touted as “The Greatest Courtesan of Her Age.” Indeed, she was the most celebrated demimonde of the Regency period. Those seeking a racy read within the pages of this book, however, will be disappointed. The […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Anna Bradley

A hero is at the heart of every romance. Today Anna Bradley shares why she fell in love with hers. __________________________________________ There are so many things I loved about writing “A Season of Ruin,” but one thing that really stands out for me about this story is the way I fell in love with the […]

What Was I Thinking!

I just reviewed my to-do list. Merciful angels, what was I thinking? Right before that I posted a project update to for the Bluestocking Belles. Each of us is due to send rough draft of our novella for the Belles’ next holiday anthology to two beta readers on May 1.  It won’t be released until […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Julia Justiss

Julia explains to us THE CHARACTER WHO WASN’T Once upon a time, I wrote a book with a secondary character, a plucky orphan farm boy who befriends the heroine, eventually helping to save her from the villain, thereby cementing the admiration and affection of the hero. I knew then that the hero, Sir Edward Austin […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Susana Ellis

Susana Ellis comes on board today to tell us about how Lady Pendleton (who has been her friend for a while, and who is a key, ongoing secondary character in her new series) evolved. ____________________________________________________ Agatha Tate, Lady Pendleton, has become the star of my new series, The Lady P Chronicles, but she started out […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: The Bluestocking Belles

You’ve probably heard me talk about The Bluestocking Belles.  Jude Knight wrote this excellent history and explanation of the name we’ve chosen as our own. Readers of historical romances, especially those set in Georgian and Regency England, are familiar with the term ‘bluestocking’. A woman described as a bluestocking will be clever, fond of reading, […]