The Best Friends

Old friends are the best friends, don’t you agree? This past week I had the privilege of spending time with one of my dearest. While the weather kept us in more than we like, I was able to introduce her to Time Team (one of my favorite television indulgences, and the game of Carcassonne. Mostly […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: The Bluestocking Belles

You’ve probably heard me talk about The Bluestocking Belles.  Jude Knight wrote this excellent history and explanation of the name we’ve chosen as our own. Readers of historical romances, especially those set in Georgian and Regency England, are familiar with the term ‘bluestocking’. A woman described as a bluestocking will be clever, fond of reading, […]

Dangerous Weakness meets Encouraging Prudence – Part 2 of 2

Today, exclusively in cyberspace, Caroline and Jude Knight tell a story in which two of their characters meet. Half is on Caroline’s blog, and half on Jude’s. If you missed PART 1 it is here.  In the virtual worlds of historical fiction, authors create whole societies of characters, interacting with real historical events and even […]