The Fate of the Crown Jewels of France

Highlighting Historical Romance with Saralee Etter I am currently working on HER WILD IRISH ROGUE, which takes place in Paris in July 1815, about a month after the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte. As I researched this period of history, I ran across a delightful bit of information about the Crown Jewels of France. All of […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Cerise DeLand

As you know we like to highlight the history in historical romance. Today we have a gem from Cerise DeLand. Pauline Bonaparte’s Missing Jewels, Money…and Cerise DeLand’s heroine’s search for lost treasures! As Napoleon Bonaparte signed his abdication in Fontainebleau in April 1814, his much beloved young sister Pauline had been very busy. Not only […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: The Bluestocking Belles

You’ve probably heard me talk about The Bluestocking Belles.  Jude Knight wrote this excellent history and explanation of the name we’ve chosen as our own. Readers of historical romances, especially those set in Georgian and Regency England, are familiar with the term ‘bluestocking’. A woman described as a bluestocking will be clever, fond of reading, […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Jessica Cale

Today we sit down for a cozy chat with Jessica Cale, author of some outstanding romances set in during the English Restoration. Be sure to read down and enter her Rafflecopter giveaway, too. Did you base your characters on real people? Yes and no. Alice and Jack developed naturally throughout the series, and they are […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Cathy MacRae

In my stories, I always strive for historical accuracy. I have three great critique partners who are quick to point out anachronisms—“Are you sure they drank whisky from a glass in 1370? Perhaps a mug or goblet?” and “That word wasn’t in use in 1370. Find another.”—and keep me from blundering too badly. But the […]