Valentine Greetings and Opportunities

First a blessed Valentine’s Day, however you observe it. I wish each of you a moment with a good book and beverage of choice! Second, this is a terrific week for romance readers. Here are some opportunities: Valentines from Bath has been reduced to 99 cents at least until Wednesday-probably all week. The Wayward […]

The Valentine Hop

  Thanks for participating in the Valentine Hop! The Grand Prize winner is Traci Bell ♥¸.•*´💖 *•.¸♥¸.•*´*❣️**•.¸♥¸.•*´💖 *•.¸♥ The  winner of the prize for this stop on the HOP is Diana Aden. She elected to receive Fire& Frost ♥¸.•*´💖 *•.¸♥¸.•*´*❣️**•.¸♥¸.•*´💖 *•.¸♥   My story will remain here.   ♥¸.•*´💖 *•.¸♥¸.•*´*❣️**•.¸♥¸.•*´💖 *•.¸♥ Patience Abney and The […]

Work is Good! (and an opportunity)

Notes from my Price of Glory  beta readers are coming in. The story is terrific, but  I have a bit of work to do. The  book is good but in two weeks it will be much better polished. I sent in the cover art form with some nervous fidgeting. Those things are always dicey. I’ll […]

Hearts and Flowers

So Valentine’s Day. Do you love it or hate it? You may think that for romance authors it might be one of the most important days of their work year. Perhaps that isn’t so from a writing and planning point of view, but it does make for a great promotional opportunity. Last week’s 1814 Frost […]

Valentines and Plausibility

Highlighting Historical Romance with Valentines From Bath You might think a novella, shorter and often simpler than a full novel, would not require much research. You might be wrong. Writers of historical romance always begin with questions. Questions breed research. Sometimes they lead us down the infamous rabbit hole. One thing to keep in mind: […]

Valentine’s Day

Do you love it or hate it? You can make a case either way. Valentine’s Day can feel like one of those contrived opportunities to sell us candy, flowers, cards, or whatever some marketing genius wishes to promote.  It can be depressing to some people, a trap that reinforces the notion that if you aren’t […]