Author’s Blog

Hearts and Flowers

So Valentine’s Day. Do you love it or hate it? You may think that for romance authors it might be one of the most important days of their work year. Perhaps that isn’t so from a writing and planning point of view, but it does make for a great promotional opportunity. Last week’s 1814 Frost […]

Post War Dreams

Highlighting Historical Romance with Brenda Whiteside in Post War America The book of my heart is a coming of age story set in 1945 post-war America. I have my mother to thank for a cast of characters and the core of what became Post-War Dreams. Every morning, Mom would gather the throw rugs and shake […]

Wilfred Bagshott, Portraits

Looking for Wilfred Bagshott’s Portait Booth, Dearie? So is Lady Flora Landrum. The jumble of tents, lean-tos, and shacks at the far end of the ice, where new businesses sprouted up hourly in no particular order, confused Flo. She had left her companion, Lady Georgiana Hayden sipping hot cider and seated inside a marquee, one […]

The Bad Guys

Or, villains in other words! Last week my work in progress came to a grinding halt. After a few days of dazed staring at a blank screen I realized that I had no idea what my villain was up to. Not really. I had built in a small mystery but not enough. This fueled a […]

Ladies Boxing

Highlighting Historical Romance with Edie Cay about Ladies boxing in Georgian England             Regency England is a well-researched topic. I was able to use plenty of respected secondary sources that compiled information, like maps and descriptions of London. However, when researching Regency boxing, sources became very focused, and when researching women’s participation boxing, resources were […]