Author’s Blog


My March came roaring in like a lion, how about yours? Actually, the weather isn’t bad. The sun shown all day Sunday and today? Sunny and sixty. Winter prowls back in later this week though. The roaring was more, well, Life. Daughter number two is in the middle of moving nearer to us, and it […]

Barbara Allen

Highlighting Historical Romance with Laura Mills-Alcott who loves Barbara Allen and makes sure we do too. When I decided to write my first romance, I needed a story to write. I decided to write a story inspired by the beloved old ballad “Barbara Allen”.  I’d first heard the ballad on Dolly Parton’s “Heartsongs” album, with […]

First Come the Characters

Oh lovely day! The sun is up and I have a spring in my step. I finally understand why the heroine of The Wayward Son is so obsessed with managing the small estate that has been in her keeping for a few years waiting for the true heir to appear. Knowing my characters intimately is […]

A Good Book and Coffee

I’ll be back in a few days. A break is a good thing—I recommend reading. Pull out a good book and enjoy, but first, have coffee!

War and Inspiration

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jan Shelbourne on sources of inspiration. Most authors are asked what inspired them to write their books. It can be a major event, a person, or a tiny incident which sparks our imagination and produces another unique story. My first attempts at writing were full of enthusiasm and scenes in my […]