Author’s Blog

A Failed Attempt at Discretion

Gemma, misunderstanding something Jeff said and desperate to see him in the face of her family’s interference, set out on foot for Regent’s Park at dawn. Luckily servants alerted Jeff and they came upon her just as a sneak thief took her reticule and knocked her in the gutter, and before he could do further […]


I had the good pleasure to spend last week with a good friend. We attended that most American event, a baseball game. Beer and hotdogs were had. She’s a terrific gardener, and mine is better off for her visit. We also had some tense moments when Beloved bumped his head and spent one day in […]

Off to the Harvest Festival

This week I rambled off to the village of Reabridge on time for their Harvest Festival. Much excitement rocked the village when soldiers began returning from the continent and the horrors of Waterloo. Couples have inevitably formed romantic unions, but not without problems as it is to be expected. Many whispers surround the existence of […]

Healing and the Wounds of War

For WIP Wednesday! A physician, Adam Wagner is meant to save lives, not take them, but war called, and the ones he could not save haunt him. His visions and nightmares after Waterloo won’t stop and the horror of it keeps him from Meg Barlow. He was close to proposing before he left. Now he […]

Life is good!

We have new books to celebrate. While I have been absent from this blog, Duke in Name Only went live and got some much deserved attention on Facebook. The early reviews are terrific. This is an exciting story filled with adventure, danger, discovery, and romance…that holds your attention start to finish with a happy ending […]