Author’s Blog

Charity Balls in the Regency Era

Highlighting the facts behind the fiction with Pamela Gibson and The Grand Mistletoe Assembly. Women of the ton felt an obligation to support charities and most belonged to organizations  for that purpose. Originally, charitable giving was sponsored by churches. By the Regency period there were many private foundations established to meet a variety of needs. […]

Champagne and Moonlight

Highlighting Historical Fiction with Alina K. Field, and the history behind the bubbly in Under the Champagne Moon, one of the stories in Under the Harvest Moon, a Bluestocking Belles with Friends Collection The Under the Harvest Moon Collection is set in the town of Reabridge, Cheshire around the time of the local Harvest Festival. […]

Missing in Action

If I seem to have gone silent this past month, there is a reason, dear readers. Beloved has been and is quite ill, and I’ve become a full time care giver. There have been no cycles in my brain for writing, alas. Some days I have no time or energy to read! He is rebounding […]

Sleepy Monday

Yawn. No wait! It is Tuesday. Yesterday just slipped out from under me but I think I did get the WIP open and write a few hundred words. These days are all running one into the other. After coffee I checked my calendar and YIKES. I’m giving away prizes on Historical Romance Lovers on Facebook […]

A Failed Attempt at Discretion

Gemma, misunderstanding something Jeff said and desperate to see him in the face of her family’s interference, set out on foot for Regent’s Park at dawn. Luckily servants alerted Jeff and they came upon her just as a sneak thief took her reticule and knocked her in the gutter, and before he could do further […]