Author’s Blog

Dangerous Works For Less Than A Dollar

Major Lord James Heyworth, former major, good friend, lover of sweet treats, plays an important role in Dangerous Works. If you haven’t read it, you have an opportunity to buy a copy at reduced price March 8-14, 2015. This offer can be found on Amazon beginning tomorrow. Dangerous Secrets tells Jamie’s own story. It will be available for […]

The Road to Waterloo

Two hundred years ago today, March 1, 1815, a short, slightly portly, middle-aged general—who had surrendered to his enemies ten months before—landed on a beach a little east of Cannes. This unlikely event set off one of the most remarkable one hundred days in European history. Napoleon was back. After fifteen years of war, untold […]

Friends Here and There

I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. Stella, Streetcare Named Desire Writers have ever relied on the kindness of strangers.  We hope someone will pick up our work, read it, love it, and tell others about it.  No amount of self promotion works if that doesn’t occur. While I would never want to lump […]

Women of Acclaim

Research is one necessary task for a writer of historical fiction. Sometimes research uncovers the unexpected. While searching for portrait painters from the Georgian/Regency period I discovered that, when a personal act of George III founded the Royal Academy of Arts in 1768, two of the founding members were women: Mary Moser and Angelica Kauffman. […]

Ah, Family! Have You Heard the Story?

This week I had the joy of a visit from some of my favorite cousins. In addition to food, good conversation, and touring the some of the prime historical sites here in Philadelphia, we had reason to talk about our grandparent’s lives. They brought some boxes of papers left by our late uncle. Some stories […]