Author’s Blog

Hopeful Hearts Kittens

When the Duchess of Haverford organizes a house party, the staff faces many challenges. No one expected the housekeeper’s cat to give birth in a most inconvenient spot. Soon the guests arrive and the kittens make free with the house. You’ll find an opportunity to win one at the end of this post. For now, […]

The Family Guardian

Highlighting Historical Romance: A ghostly change of pace from Anita Philmar Every family has traditions. The things they do that define them as a family, a unit that stands together to face both the good times and bad. Some look at the holiday traditions of food and decoration as the symbol of how they come […]

The Morning After

I spent yesterday with over two hundred of my closest (Facebook) friends celebrating the release of The Renegade Wife. It was super fun. I discovered: That people really like characters that interconnect in multiple books, which is good news for me because all of mine do that. That people like children in books as long […]

Love, Marriage, and Texas

Highlighting Historical Romance: Caroline Clemmons Caroline brings us the aftermath of the American Civil War and its impact on love and marriage: Readers of historical romance are familiar with the devastation caused by the American Civil War, especially in several eastern states. In fact, more men died in this war than in World War II. […]

Winning and Losing

I’ve had an amazing few days! What have I won? Notably Dangerous Secrets won the 2016 RONE Award for Best Post-Medieval Historical Romance. InD’Tale Magazine presented the award at their InD’Scribe conference which leads me to other things I’ve won:  new friends, new ideas, new appreciation for my craft, and some insights about my self. One […]