Author’s Blog


Some mornings are harder than others. Didn’t feel well all weekend (not serious but still…). So no post this morning. But here’s one I did that posted yesterday: Ironic, really. I’m trying to get it together. But first, more coffee.

Gaelic Marriage Law

Highlighting Historical Romance with Ashley York who writes about marriage in medieval Ireland. Marriage being performed in a church is, historically speaking, a pretty recent development. It wasn’t until the late middle ages (1300-1500) that marriage itself became one of the Seven Sacraments within the church. In Éire (Ireland) 1095, where my story takes place, […]


It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. W. L. Watkinson These are dark times. Regarding George Floyd, my outrage is so great, I have no words. No that isn’t correct, I have too many words, some angry, some filled with sorrow, all full of outrage (but alas not shock) that […]

Life in Old California

Highlighting Historical with Pamela Gibson who reflects on life in old California. In my book, Return of the Fox, set in pre-gold rush California, the first few chapters take place during the festivities associated with a wedding. In Alta California’s rancho days, weddings of the upper classes—always Catholic—were followed by many outdoor activities including barbecues, […]


Like many families, we’ve lost people we loved in one or another of the everlasting wars. Others have come home wounded in one way or another. Veteran’s Day is for them. Memorial Day is to remember the dead and, if you’re able, to decorate their graves. This year, we need to recall the first responders […]