Author’s Blog

Home, Alas

But did my muse come with me? I’m back from my trek to Venice with the Love of My Life (LOML).  We rode gondolas and water taxis, ate the requisite pasta, wallowed in vino rosso, and gaped at insane amounts of art and artifacts both ancient and, in the case of Peggy Guggenheim, modern.  After […]

Writer’s Block

After a super busy (and generally successful) March and April, I tried ramping up the writing. I hope to get out another Italy story, this time a novella. In addition, the Earl of Chadbourn, friend to Jamie, Andrew and Glenaire (if you’ve read my Dangerous books) needs his own story. I’ve been writing daily for […]

The Last Stop

The last stop on my Dangerous Secrets Blog Tour 2015 is a good one.  Stop by Risky Regencies today. They asked me a number of thought provoking questions. Besides that, there’s one more giveaway!

StellaMarie Alden: Ramblings of an Almost Published Author

Know what’s great about watercolor painting? It’s one of the few arts that you can’t agonize over and go back and fix. You either get it right on the first wash, or it’s wrong. Throw it out and try again. There’s something wonderfully freeing about that. I’m not a great illustrator, but I can make […]

Queen Victoria’s Physician

I am blogging today at History Imagined.  My topic is Sir James Clark, researcher, expatriate resident of Rome, doctor for the ill fated John Keats, sought after society physician and last but not least, personal physician for Victoria and Albert.