Author’s Blog

Celebration and Music

How was your weekend? I hope you were able to celebrate an awakening of Spring before snow returned, and that life is good, whatever you celebrate. Our Holy Saturday filled me with joy for sure. I have the privilege of singing in our tiny choir and I’m not sure if Water of Life or the […]

What to write this year?

The Bluestocking Belles met yesterday. It is always a challenge to get everyone in a conference call due to the spinning earth. We have members in Australia, New Zealand, San Francisco, Florida, South Carolina and, of course, the urban wilds of Eastern Pennsylvania. We were plotting our next holiday anthology. Our overall story trope is […]

A Long Road Home

Last night I drank a well-traveled bottle of water sourced, supposedly, from a spring in the French alps, imported into Hong Kong and carried back to Philadelphia with me. Like Beloved and I, it traveled a long way. In the past three weeks we have traveled through three countries (five if you count home and […]

Life in the Colony of Nova Scotia

  Highlighting Historical Romance welcomes Riana Everly and her research into the history of Nova Scotia. Part of the story in my upcoming release The Assistant takes place in Nova Scotia in the year 1800. A reader accustomed to the comforts and luxuries of London might wonder why I would be so heartless as to send […]

An Accidental Discovery

Highlighting Jude Knight’s study of wheeled chairs, old and new. We Regency history lovers know about the Bath chair, a wonderful device that allowed invalids to be propelled along the streets of Bath to take the waters. But wheeled chairs for invalids have a far longer history, and I am particularly fond of one particular […]