Carlisle Castle, Border Fortress

Highlighting Historical Romance with Sawyer North on castles in England. Fair Weather Enemies is an enemies-to-lovers road tripping treasure hunt that begins in earnest at Carlisle Castle in Northwest England. In the pantheon of English castles, the one at Carlisle barely registers with most sightseers. Its blocky appearance and small size are a byproduct of […]

Kings of Ireland

Highlighting Historical Romance with Ashley York who brings us warrior kings. The Warrior Kings series takes place in eleventh century Ireland. That’s after the death of Brian Boru in 1014 and before the invasion of the Normans from England. I would venture to say the best-known kings of this time are the English Kings. The […]

Barbara Allen

Highlighting Historical Romance with Laura Mills-Alcott who loves Barbara Allen and makes sure we do too. When I decided to write my first romance, I needed a story to write. I decided to write a story inspired by the beloved old ballad “Barbara Allen”.  I’d first heard the ballad on Dolly Parton’s “Heartsongs” album, with […]

War and Inspiration

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jan Shelbourne on sources of inspiration. Most authors are asked what inspired them to write their books. It can be a major event, a person, or a tiny incident which sparks our imagination and produces another unique story. My first attempts at writing were full of enthusiasm and scenes in my […]

Hearts and Flowers

So Valentine’s Day. Do you love it or hate it? You may think that for romance authors it might be one of the most important days of their work year. Perhaps that isn’t so from a writing and planning point of view, but it does make for a great promotional opportunity. Last week’s 1814 Frost […]

Post War Dreams

Highlighting Historical Romance with Brenda Whiteside in Post War America The book of my heart is a coming of age story set in 1945 post-war America. I have my mother to thank for a cast of characters and the core of what became Post-War Dreams. Every morning, Mom would gather the throw rugs and shake […]

Ladies Boxing

Highlighting Historical Romance with Edie Cay about Ladies boxing in Georgian England             Regency England is a well-researched topic. I was able to use plenty of respected secondary sources that compiled information, like maps and descriptions of London. However, when researching Regency boxing, sources became very focused, and when researching women’s participation boxing, resources were […]

Bleeding, Leeches and Mesmerism

Highlighting Historical Romance with Elaine Bach on Regency medical practice. In The Perfect Partner which takes place in England in 1817, the protagonist, Lady Diana Ashton, is involved in a tragic carriage accident. Her earl brother, Colin, employs a barrage of doctors and nurses to care for her. Medicine at the time included things like “bleeding a […]

Keeping in Step

If you don’t participate in the Belles’ Brigade (the Bluestocking Belles’ street team on Facebook) you missed an interesting discussion last Saturday. The topic for Saturday Brunch was group projects—how a group of highly creative friends goes about creating a collection of stories to publish. Let me summarize it. As you can see, keeping everyone […]