I have drafts for five new covers! Not only do I have the draft for The Price of Glory, but all four covers for the Ashmead Heirs series! (Information about those books is here.) All five covers are gorgeous, and I cling to that good news. Once they are final, I’ll be sharing them in my newsletter and with Caroline’s Fellow Travelers first and then creating pages for them on this website.
I also have the rudiments of a launch plan. I’m in two group giveaway ads this month–more on that next week. Preorders are coming in fast and furious for Storm & Shelter. Have you ordered yet? We are determined that it will revert from the preorder price of 99 cents to $3.99 soon after it goes live so don’t wait–eight all new stories by best-selling and award winning authors are in that one
I stubbed my toes writing The Defiant Daughter, (Ashmead Heirs Book 2) last week. I finished three highly emotional scenes and tried to rush the heroine off without dealing with the aftermath, hit a wall and just stared at it for two days. I’ve gone back to work on bridges, reactions, and scene sequels. I’m moving forward. But first? Coffee.

Such a thrill to have lovely covers to enclose your gorgeous stories.