Christmas Hope

I had bit of excitement this week. Christmas Hope has gone to the editor for its final edit, and over the weekend I revealed the cover to the world. I did my last clean up of the file last week and almost shed a wee tear. I do love the story. How do you like the cover?

Christmas-Hope-Paperback But First Coffee

Here’s the blurb:

After two years at the mercy of the Canadian Expeditionary force and the German war machine, Harry ran out of metaphors for death, synonyms for brown, and images of darkness. When he encounters color among the floating islands of Amiens and life in the form a widow and her little son, hope ensnares him. Through three more long years of war and its aftermath, the hope she brings keeps Harry alive.

Rosemarie Legrand’s husband left her a tiny son, no money, and a savaged reputation when he died. She struggles to simply feed the boy and has little to offer a lonely soldier, but Harry’s devotion lifts her up. The war demands all her strength and resilience, will the hope of peace and the promise of Harry’s love keep her going?

When it is finally over will their love be enough?

It have tentatively set October 15 as the launch date but I may push that to November 1. I am hopeless at the self-publishing/marketing part of this gig so I am scratching my head over details like getting it to reviewers, a pre-order period, which print service to use and so on.


I would really rather be working on my new series about the Mallet boys and not fussing with this publishing stuff. Since I’m leaving for Cape May on Saturday, and also have packing to do, I best get busy. But first, coffee.

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7 thoughts on “Christmas Hope

  1. Sounds like another great story ‘Caroline’! Whenever U ‘launch it’, I’ll be ready to purchase! Enjoy your travels for sure! We your readers appreciate U need time away to refresh your mind for whatever ‘is’ to be your next story!
    And now definitely it’s coffee time!😁

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