Exploring Old San Francisco

I like to travel. Sometimes I travel in the real world. (My list has only 15 countries, so I have a ways to go.) Sometimes I can’t, but that doesn’t stop me. I ramble off somewhere just about every day in my imagination or in other authors’ books. This week I took an invigorating turn […]

Nightingale, Mother Seacole, and the Reform of Medicine

Highlighting the Facts behind Historical Romance with Stephanie Patterson and A Terrible Beauty Much of my information regarding the Crimean War came from the personal accounts of Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale and Fanny Duberly, as well as dozens of historical articles and texts. Florence Nightingale met with a great deal of resistance in attempting to […]

Armory Square Hospital

Highlighting Historical Romance with Kathy Otten on American Civil War hospitals While researching Civil War hospitals I came across a book by Amanda Akin Stearns, Lady Nurse of Ward E. She served at Armory Square Hospital and her book provided so much information, I chose that hospital in which to set my story. When the […]