OMG what a weekend. Saturday the Bluestocking Belles revealed the cover and title of their new collection, Fire & Frost. Set against the background of London’s winter of 1814 when days of snow and fog resulted in the Thames freezing over and a Frost Fair broke out on the ice, it is a glorious book. I’ve read five of the stories so far and I loved every one of them. All center on ladies involved in charity work for the orphans and widows of soldiers …and in some cases wounded soldiers. The hero of my own story, Lord Ethan Alcott is a wounded warrior–wounded in body and spirit.

About the Book
The Napoleonic Wars have left England with wounded warriors, fatherless children, unemployed veterans, and hungry families. The ladies of London, led by the indomitable Duchess of Haverford plot a campaign to feed the hungry, care for the fallen—and bring the neglectful Parliament to heel. They will use any means at their disposal to convince the gentlemen of their choice to assist.
Their campaign involves strategy, persuasion, and a wee bit of fun. Pamphlets are all well and good, but auctioning a lady’s company along with her basket of delicious treats is bound to get more attention. Their efforts fall amid weeks of fog and weather so cold the Thames freezes over and a festive Frost Fair breaks out right on the river. The ladies take to the ice. What could be better for their purposes than a little Fire and Frost?
Click here to find details about the stories—and the pre-order links.

About my story
When a lovely—but foolish— young woman marches into an insalubrious alley full of homeless former soldiers, Ethan Alcott feels something he thought dead stir to life: his sense of honor and will to live. Her innocent efforts to ease the suffering of men might have touched his heart if she hadn’t put herself in danger to do it. Someone needs to take her in hand.
Lady Flora Landrum chafes under her brother’s restrictions, but she’s willing to compromise if they can join forces to join in the Duchess of Haverford’s charity efforts. When she discovers that the mysterious one-armed ruffian she encountered in a back alley is Lord Ethan Alcott, son of the Marquess of Welbrook, her astonishment gives way to determination to make the man see reason.
Courage takes many forms. As Ethan comes to admire Flora’s, perhaps he can recover his own.
Sigh. I like this one. It just needs one last bit of polish and formatting and I’m done. Also this weekend a reviewer called Christmas Hope possibly the best holiday story she ever read. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Meanwhile, in the Price of Glory, Aeneas and Ana have escaped from Cairo ahead of an assassin and he’s searching for ways to convince her to make their forced marriage real. Do you think he’ll succeed? I may get to The End this week. It could happen!
But first, coffee!

What a beautiful cover. Stories sound wonderful too. Can’t wait to read it.
Thank you!