This is not my work room, but it does represent how I felt this weekend with piles everywhere.

Among other things, my workroom has boxes of print materials—bookmarks, postcards, not cards, and cards—mine and those of friends. My inventory of books in print sit in boxes hither and yon. Conference bags full of swag, kept for ideas of course, set here and there. There’s a treadmill (unused) in one corner, a guest bed (the desperation extra one in case the guest room is full) in another and a work table (cluttered) in a third. Among the things piled in the closet are costumes. I have three Regency gowns at this point, one Manchu outfit, two masks, a flapper dress and a Victorian tea gown. Some are on hangers, others packed in plastic. Some of the turbans and accessories are in boxes some–aren’t.
You might be guessing I’m about to write about how I an urge to clean the mess seized me. Not so. I have been avoiding getting ready for the Historical Romance Retreat and Saturday I decided I could not put it off any longer. The room did not improve my enthusiasm, but I finally had to face it. Now, you realize, preparation for a conference has various parts and pieces, and the hard part was simply figuring them all out so I don’t miss anything.
I cleared the table and resorted to a system of piles. Each has a paper with a letter to distinguish it and a list of what is missing. (I also put the missing items on my to-do list.) The A pile is made up of contributions to the Bluestocking Belles auction basket. The B pile has the books for the Grand Book Sale. C went into a duffel bag. Those are the things from cards to banner that go on a book signing table.
D? There’s nothing but a list. It refers to things I need for “Gossip and How to Write It,” a session Sherry Ewing, Elizabeth Ellen Carter and I are scheduled to present. It’s hands on. We’ll need notebook paper, pencils, prizes for people who are willing to write to the group and, of course, chocolate. And a PowerPoint. On dear. I need to get on that item.
There is no designation for the costumes. I managed to pull them out of the closet and triage. The ballgown and other Regency dresses are coming as is the flapper dress for there appears to be a Speakeasy in the offing. I have no idea what to bring for “Harlots and Highwaymen Gambling Night.” The mind boggles. I think I have Beloved’s costume for that one figured out though. I’ve rented him a suit for the ball. Progress.

A large box containing my contribution (which shall remain secret for now) for the goody bags is in my dining room. We’re going to ship it. More progress. At least now I have detail lists of what to buy, pack, and do in the next two weeks. Mercy!
I’m managing 12-1500 words a day on The Price of Glory in the middle of it all. Last week the manuscript for Christmas Hope came from the editor and I did my final editorial pass. I still have to get the final copy online, apply for copyright, and settle on a print provider. My second draft for the Bluestocking Belles’ next collection is due in a week as well.
I’m not bored, that is for certain, even if I have sadly neglected the garden. Alas. I best get busy. But first, coffee!