“We’re off like a herd of turtles…” This is going to be one of those weeks. It began with some prep and a medical procedure so I’m moving rather slowly, but I plan to get to The Price of Glory later today.

Also this week? Its my week up on History Imagined…I need a topic! I also have a gig on Madelyn Hill’s blog, and watch for my friend Nicole Zoltack on Highlighting Historical Romance on Thursday. In bigger news, Valentines From Bath releases on Saturday. I plan to put out a newsletter with a FREE GIFT on Friday, and I’ll be partying on Facebook with the Bluestocking Belles from 3-8PM on Saturday. Join us! There will be prizes and a terrific grand prize.

Slow and steady, they say, wins the race, so perhaps it is good that I’m a tortoise, not a hare. I’m off…like a herd of turtles. But first? Coffee.