Here Again, Gone Again

While I managed to get all the “must do” items from last week in on time, while catching up on being back, I failed completely to make progress on The Next Book, deepen my understanding of world events 1838-40 (I did say Next Book), or finish the draft for the Valentine anthology. SIGH. I did make this cool meme to match the Royal Wedding Hop! I’m going to join with 19 other authors to celebrate the next royal wedding (Princess Eugenie of York’s wedding) with a Facebook hop. I’ve always had a soft spot for Prince Andrew’s daughters, and one thing is certain: it won’t be boring. Besides, there’ll be plenty of prizes, at least at our event. You can find it here:

RW-Hop-II-Graphic-300x251 Author's Blog But First Coffee RW-Hop2-Author-Spotlight-300x251 Author's Blog But First Coffee








Did have one piece of rather nice news this week. There is a review for The Unexpected Wife in Kirkus Reviews. YEA!

“The author deftly balances the romance with the political intrigue of the opium trade and Charles’ quest to end his disastrous marriage. An entertaining, page-turning historical romance that may appeal to fans of Eloisa James.” KIRKUS REVIEWS

Check it out:

Kirkus-meme-1024x458 Author's Blog But First Coffee

So onward and upward to chip away at the bigger projects…but then I’m gone again. I’m off to family events in Columbus Ohio but I’ll be back next Tuesday. Maybe this blog will be a day late.

I know I promised news about The Next Book, but it may just be a week or so later than anticipating. I’m working on it. But first, coffee.


One thought on “Here Again, Gone Again

  1. Congratulations on the great review! 👍🏼😊 safe travels & enjoy your Ohio visit!

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