5 Things I Wish I Knew

  1. Who reads my books, really?  I’d like some demographic data.
  2. What is the best way to reach people who might like them? Sometimes I feel like I’m announcing in an echo chamber, or just talking with the same small group of people.
  3. What was it actually like to be a woman in 1835? I can imagine, but that isn’t the same as know.
  4.  What is the best way to keep my muse working in the middle of the distraction of two new book releases?  She’s down in the basement pounding away. I’m sure of it. Perhaps I should go down and shut out all the noise upstairs.
  5. What is going on in Fred Wheatly’s head? The hero of my work in progress and I need to sit down and have a chat this morning.

But first, coffee.

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4 thoughts on “5 Things I Wish I Knew

  1. Hi Ms Warfield!

    I have read 3 of your books! ( how many have I missed?)
    I love your characters & story lines! Especially being set some 200 years ago!
    Keep writing! 👍😄

    Trish S😊

  2. Well, I don’t know who all reads your books, but I have read all four of the dangerous series (I’m including dangerous nativity) and enjoyed them tremendously. I’m checking Amazon every so often to see if there are any new releases. Don’t lose heart – keep up the good work.

    • Thanks so much! You’re in luck. There will be two more soon. The Renegade Wife will be out October 12 and An Open Heart, part of the Bluestocking Belles holiday anthology Holly and Hopeful Hearts, will be out November 8. You made my day!

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Caroline Warfield, Author

Email : info@carolinewarfield.com