New Beginnings

Rosh Hashana began last night at sundown. Literally “the head of the year,” and often called “Jewish New Year.” It shouldn’t be confused with the secular New Year’s Day, however. It is the day the shofar (the rams horn) is blown as a call to remembrance, a call to “cast off” the old year and its mistakes and failings. It points to Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. But it also provides an opportunity to pray and plan for better doings in the coming year. At least, that’s my understanding.

AlphonseLévy_Shofar-1 But First Coffee

It is on my mind because, while we are not Jewish, we have Jewish family. We were invited to dinner last night to to commemorate the day with traditional foods like apple and honey, even some pomegranate balsamic dressing. The greeting for the feast is “a sweet and good New Year…” or simply “a good year.”

1024px-Symbols_of_Rosh_Hashana But First Coffee
Photo by Gilabrand [CC BY-SA 3.0]

All this feels timely this morning. I’m still mulling where to go next with my writing. Christmas Hope is a departure for me but the reviews so far have been not just stellar, but touching. Perhaps there’s something in it I should be considering more closely. I’m meeting my daily word count on The Price of Glory and I can see the ending just around the bend. The question on my mind, of course is “What then?”

The Belles’ boxed set (or anthology) for February is coming together. Some time this week you can join us for a first peek at the cover on Facebook. Watch for announcements soon. It’s a gem! The group is public if you care to join us. This week I will polish and format my contribution, work on Price of Glory, and finish my made to order story. Whew! But first, coffee!

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Caroline Warfield, Author

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