It’s May, hurray—oh dear, It’s May

It’s May, it’s may, the month of great dismay
when all the world is brimming with fun, wholesome or un-

white-spring-fruit-blossoms-300x200 Author's Blog But First Coffee May is the one time of year when we’re all faced with more choices than any other, all of them lovely, all of them clamoring for attention, competing with one another.  Celebrations gang up on me. We’re down to three family birthdays now that my father is gone (and both of my grandmothers) but still THREE, one of them mine, and I always take time to remember the ones I’ve lost. Mother’s Day needs its due and the First Communions, Confirmations, Graduations and Weddings pile up in any given year. This year a beloved niece graduates from high school…out of state. The glorious weather calls out for woodland hikes and garden strolls. The garden, of course also screams for attention—weed me, plant me, irrigate me, re-landscape me… Go out to fetch your garden tools and you notice how badly the garage needs to be cleaned out, the driveway needs swept and the gutters need to be cleaned.

My favorite holy days usually occur in May, particularly Pentecost and I get to sing and sing and sing. We’re still using up all the Easter Alleluias. It’s May! the month of “Yes, you may”  (according to Lener and Loewe) I give myself permission to love every moment of it.

So how did I get myself into a situation in which I had one release just before the month started one one right after it did, both needing attention, and I committed to have a story done for 2017 holiday anthology June 1. Didn’t I remember it’s May, when all the world is brimming with fun?

coffee-break-1454539196eJw-300x259 Author's Blog But First Coffee This week will be very short. I’m off to Manhattan on Friday to celebrate my birthday with a Broadway play. (Here’s a hint: It involves hip-hop and a founding father) Trust me, no work is coming along. I plan to finish that story before I go.

The following weekend I’m off to celebrate the niece and Memorial Day all at once. Joy people, I’m telling you every day is a joy.

BICHOK* today until I have my story finished. But first? Coffee.


*Butt in chair, hands on keyboard!

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