River Pirates

When Phillip feels well enough to talk, Nan begins to interrogate him about how he was injured. She’s worried that the river pirates and low-life rats that infest the Ohio River below Illinois may be moving their operations to the upper Mississippi, putting her tavern at risk. Phillip tells her about a supposed gentleman he […]

Prairie Hearts

Highlighting Historical Romance with Ana Morgan who shares one of her stories set in North American prairie country. The terms Great Plains and prairie are not synonymous, although the eastern portion of the Great Plains is primarily prairie. The rest is steppe, the two distinguished by types of plant life. Prairies are the great sea […]

Should Women Own Land?

Highlighting Historical Romance with Colleen L Donnelly on women and property laws. A lover of old buildings, especially houses, I jumped at the chance to purchase a one-room schoolhouse ages ago and turn it into a home…a project, actually. Twelve-foot ceilings, wainscoting that reached higher than my head, nine-foot windows, uninsulated walls, no plumbing or […]

Impetuous and Scandalous

Highlighting Historical Romance presents Kelly McClymer Hi, I’m Kelly McClymer and I want to thank Caroline for giving me a chance to talk about my favorite intersection of topics — history and women. You may have heard that women in the past couldn’t do many things that men could do. While that is true, it […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Neva Brown

When I saw Caroline’s suggestions about interesting research for BY CLEAR WATER a chuckle bubbled up inside me, because the research for this book got totally out of hand. I lost myself on the southern route the Texas Argonauts took from Texas to California during the gold rush (the trail Leslyn and Matt traveled in […]