All he needed was a good map… or the means to use it.

Highlighting History with Lizzi Tremayne, in honor of ANZAC Day. As a new citizen to New Zealand in 1993, I first learned of the ANZACs and of the importance of map-reading. On 25 April, “down under” in New Zealand and Australia, in the UK, and at Gallipoli, we commemorate ANZAC day, honoring the fallen, as […]

A Long Road Home

Last night I drank a well-traveled bottle of water sourced, supposedly, from a spring in the French alps, imported into Hong Kong and carried back to Philadelphia with me. Like Beloved and I, it traveled a long way. In the past three weeks we have traveled through three countries (five if you count home and […]

Wellington, A Brief History

Highlighting Historical Romance introduces K.A.Servian and Wellington, New Zealand How timely! Just before I leave to go there, Historic Wellington, New Zealand,  provides the background for Servian’s novel The Moral Compass. Thought to have been occupied by Māori since 950AD, the first European settlement of the area that was to become Wellington began in January […]

The Global Tourist in New Zealand

Jude Knight introduces us to Victorian Tourists to New Zealand. The nineteenth century, says the book I’m currently reading, was the European century; the century in which Europe dominated the world. The nineteenth century was a European one also in the sense that other continents took Europe as their yardstick. Europe’s hold over them was […]